The Canberra Times

How 24/7 monitoring services are helping people everyday

How 24/7 monitoring services are helping people everyday
How 24/7 monitoring services are helping people everyday

This is sponsored content for Calamity.

Everybody wants their family and home to be safe and out of harm's way. For people who leave their homes for work daily, they want to come back and see a smiling family. However, only hoping that your home stays secure isn't enough. If you take a look at the rising rates of crimes across different cities in the world, you'll understand why.

The problem is that many people underestimate, ignore, and overlook the importance of getting the services of security monitoring providers like Calamity for appropriate home security. What they don't realise is that theft or burglary can leave their entire family devastated, both financially and emotionally. It's easy to recover the financial loss, but the trauma can last for a long time.

Paying monthly fees, arming, disarming, installing, and dealing with false alarms are some of the things that make people hesitant about monitoring services. However, a security system alerts you and your family members if your property gets invaded by thieves while you're away or sleeping. Monitoring systems that run 24/7 indeed have cons, but if you think about it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Below is a detailed look at how 24/7 monitoring services are helping people every day:

Protects and secures your home

As already mentioned, an essential benefit that 24/7 monitoring services bring to the table is ensuring the protection and security of your property. It is estimated that a burglary takes place every 13 seconds, four every minute, 240 incidents in an hour, and 6,000 happen every day in different areas of the globe. Those numbers are frightening, and you can only protect your valuables and home from such incidents through a 24/7 monitoring system.

Helps you save home energy

Monitoring systems are not all about protection; they also have automation features. Such automation features would allow you to keep your energy usage in check. That said, you can shut off some of the utilities that are not anymore in use or when you leave the room. What does this mean to you? Less wasted energy resulting in lower energy bills.

Convenient access to your home security system

The continued advancement of technology means that you can now remotely access your home alarm system using your tablet, smartphone, or computer anytime and anywhere so long as you're connected to the internet. Viewing video surveillance and controlling various features of your home system also become possible. Some of the things that you can do remotely include arming and disarming your home's alarm system, as well as locking and unlocking doors in your property.

Uninterrupted monitoring functionalities

Keep in mind that it's essential to choose the type of monitoring system that fits your needs as there are a variety of them available in the market. The common types are wireless systems and hardwired systems. The difference between the two is obvious: the wireless system does not use electricity but instead relies on batteries. The hardwired system, on the other hand, consumes electricity to work.

Modern systems now can work on batteries or electricity. This development is changing the security monitoring scene since it allows uninterrupted functionalities that may benefit both the homeowners and the service providers.

Helps prevent crimes

Several studies have pointed out that an increase in the number of security monitoring systems in a particular area leads to a decrease in the rate of crimes such as robberies and theft. Even the smallest of stores are prone to theft, so there's a need to take proper security measures to make the neighbourhood a safer place for all.

Lowers your insurance premium responsibility as a homeowner

Homeowner's insurance is a necessity, and almost all people take one for their properties. Home insurance is pretty much the same as home security since both of them prepare your house for unexpected emergencies.

The price of home insurance varies depending on factors like the type of home that you have, the insurance company you've chosen, the location of your property, the payment option you selected, and the coverage of the insurance. It doesn't matter what category you fall into; having a home security system will convince your insurance company to provide you with some excellent discounts. Insurance companies give discounts if they know that any potential damage or threat to your home can be resolved quickly with the help of a 24/7 monitoring service.

Useful when requesting urgent medical assistance

Many people have concerns about their medical conditions. But what if you're living alone or are already of advanced age? How could you ask for medical assistance quickly? The good news is that 24/7 monitoring system providers now offer medical alert pendants or emergency pulls as part of their services. Such a feature enables you to send an alert to your security providers, and your security providers, in turn, alert the authorities for medical response in your home.


A 24/7 monitoring system serves as an extra layer of security against thieves and burglars. However, its purpose doesn't stop there; a security monitoring system can also help you save home energy, prevent crime, pay a lower insurance premium, and request for medical assistance. There's no valid reason why you would not want one installed in your home.

This is sponsored content for Calamity.