The Canberra Times

Sharehouse shakes up the Australian flatmate finder experience

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Brought to you by Emmanuel Davis.

Amidst a national housing crisis, finding affordable and suitable accommodation in Australia can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

With soaring rents and a housing crisis looming over the nation, the quest for suitable living arrangements has become increasingly challenging.

For many Australians, particularly those seeking shared living arrangements, finding the perfect flatmate and living space can add more stress to an already overwhelming situation.

This makes next-generation flatmate finder platforms like Sharehouse a breath of fresh air for renters across the country.

Founded in 2022 by Jordi Hermoso, Sharehouse was born out of Hermoso's own frustrations when navigating the rental market interstate.

Recognising the need for a reliable, streamlined, and user-friendly platform to connect renters with compatible flatmates and properties, Hermoso created a solution that would streamline the flatmate-finding experience in Australia, offering much-needed reprieve in the housing crisis gripping the nation.

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Sharehouse's key features

Sharehouse boasts thousands of listings spanning every state and territory, with new listings added daily as the platform continues to experience rapid growth.

Whether you're searching for a room in a bustling city or a tranquil retreat in the countryside, Sharehouse offers a diverse range of options to suit every lifestyle and budget.

"At Sharehouse, we believe that everyone deserves access to safe and affordable housing," says Hermoso in an interview. "Our platform is not just about finding roommates; it's about building communities and empowering individuals to create the living arrangements that best suit their needs and lifestyles."

One of Sharehouse's key features is its intuitive map search, which allows users to browse listings based on location, making it easier than ever to find properties in their desired locations.

Its innovative features are designed to simplify the rental search process and foster a sense of trust and safety among users.

This intuitive interface not only saves time but also provides valuable insight into the surrounding areas, helping renters make informed decisions about their future homes.

Whether you're looking for a cosy apartment in the heart of Melbourne or a beachside bungalow in sunny Queensland, Sharehouse's map search feature puts the power of choice directly into the hands of the user.

In addition to its user-friendly interface, Sharehouse prioritises security through its identity verification system.

By requiring users (both landlords and tenants) to verify their identity, the platform fosters a secure environment that reduces the risk of scams or fraudulent activity.

Renters can browse listings with confidence, knowing that they are connecting with legitimate landlords and potential roommates.

Furthermore, Sharehouse offers a streamlined subletting service, which simplifies the process of finding a replacement flatmate or listing a room for rent.

However, what truly sets Sharehouse apart is its innovative approach to matchmaking. Beyond its practical features, Sharehouse incorporates elements of a customisable dating app-style interface.

This allows users to filter listings based on their preferences and connect with potential roommates who share similar interests and lifestyles.

This personalised approach to roommate matching ensures compatibility and fosters meaningful connections between users, transforming the process of finding a roommate into a positive and enriching experience.

For renters, Sharehouse offers a lifeline in an increasingly competitive rental market.

With housing affordability reaching crisis levels across Australia, Sharehouse is not only addressing an immediate need for those seeking affordable and sustainable living arrangements while fostering a sense of community and connection in an often isolating rental landscape.

Looking to the future, Sharehouse shows no signs of slowing down. With plans to expand its reach and enhance its features, the platform is poised to become the go-to destination for flatmate finding in Australia and beyond.